Here are a couple of pics of John North, about 2 years back, taken at The 'Black Boy' at Heanor in Derbyshire, where he does a gig every Saturday night.
He has a regular set of 'Floor Singers' there .... something I have always managed to avoid, its an art on its own !!

On that particular visit, we took along a few musician friends from our local area,
and had a meal together at the pub before he started his Gig - he is seated on the left. I am far right leaning back,
and must have been drunk, as I am 'all blurred' !!.

So now you know what your 'Telephone Friend' looks like, Audrey - I was aware of your probs with the T4, as I am a 'silent member' on YPKO !!
Bill reminded me last night, that John is a retired 'Bobby', and before that was in the Royal Marines.
Kind regards,