This question has been asked time and time again so let me attempt to answer once more (in a table format).
SD1 (4.0a or higher) :: SD1 Plus
In Production: No :: Yes
LAYOUT : Original :: Modified with
New functions
HD : Standard :: New Sounds,
Song Registr
STYLES : Standard :: Some new in
VOICES : Depends OS :: Some new/mod
*STEREO GRAND: No :: Yes (Balanced
in SD1 Plus)
* (Refering to the New Stereo Grand Piano developed for the SD1Plus). The original Grand Piano in the SD1 is also Stereo multi samples!!
If you have the SD1 (3.0c or earlier release) you've got the original/standard SD1 sounds (those that were initially released with the keyboard).
SD1 users - installing 4.0a, 4.0b/c (With Sound) gives you the new operational features & sounds currently used in the SD1 Plus (the new tweeked ROM sounds and NOT the new ones on the HD!). These new sounds are limited to just the voices on board (cleaner Electric Pianos, Organs, some guitarts redone etc...) You do NOT have the new Stereo Grand and other great sounds that have been included in the HD of the SD1 Plus.
SD1 users - installing 4.0b/c (with No Sound) gives you all the new operational features of the SD1 Plus BUT you do not have the new 'tweeked' sounds (or those that were re-done, e.g better Stereo Grand Piano [that needs to be loaded once the keyboard is turned on or can be done automatically with Power On Setup] found in the HD, cleaner Electric Piano and Organ voices ....
Also included in the HD of the SD1 Plus are:
* Over 150 Midifiles (some from the XD-series).
* Over 180 Single Registrations for famous songs!!
Hope this clarifies some of the questions.
PS: Some of the best styles yet produced for the SD1 series are ... ON THE WEBSITE and can be purchased from your cloeset dealer. These styles (I can truely say) are some our best 'till date, and are of all types. If you've not visited within the past month, it may be time to re-visit ... and see what you are missing!!
[This message has been edited by Ketron_AJ (edited 11-25-2003).]