I've played arrangers since they were invented. I have owned and liked Yamahas, Ketrons, Technics, Rolands and Korgs, even a Casio.
I like the PA80 in it's time--hated the PA800 because I got an early one and it sounded awful.
I've had a PA3X for a few days and so far I love it. I'm anything but a Korg fan, but fast becoming one. Jury is still out. As much as I wanted to buy from Frank or George, I bought it from a company with an option to return for $$ within 45 days, because if I decide not to keep it, there is nothing else out there that I like better than my Roland gear.
I am probably going to use it for the first time tonight on my NY's Eve job. Maybe. Still a couple of hours of setup work I need to do and time is running out.
The Korg is extremely deep, but I think I've figured most of it out. I do know it has excellent controls for playing live.
I'll do a review later, but as with all reviews, it will be my opinion and related to how it works for ME.