#321777 - 04/13/11 04:16 PM
BK7m- first impression
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
I just got my module a few hours ago, so this really IS just a first impression. Let's just say, I'm underwhelmed. The sounds are ok, I guess, but no better than my Sonicell IMO. The OS is a breeze and very intuitive if you've used Rolands in the past. The styles, IN MY OPINION, are boring as all getout and leave no doubt that you are listening to an arranger. I like the 'dated' styles on my old PA1x Pro better by a 5 to 1 margin, but I'm sure that is because of the type of music that I prefer, which Korg does a much better job of. It seems to work fine with my FC7 pedal but it must be assigned correctly first. The pianos are good, but again, very similar to the ones in my Sonicell and Fantom G7. Would I have bought it after a 1 hour checkout in the store? Probably not. Will I unload it? Probably not. I will probably use it with my VP-770 (a far more capable instrument than most people know) to support a female vocalist I work with. If I don't use the arranger functions in this role (just WAV's and/or MP3's), I could use the Sonicell or even the VP-770 standalone. Both, but especially the VP-770, handle file playing as good or better than the BK7m. As I listen more and/or come across more 3rd party styles (styles being the biggest disappointment for me), I may change my opinion, but for now, I'm thinking that that grand may have been better spent towards Bill Lewis's B3  . chas
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#321780 - 04/13/11 04:31 PM
Re: BK7m- first impression
[Re: cgiles]
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Yep, that real Hammond would have been nice...well, you could always just get some Hammond decals, and some wood grain sticky vinyl for the Nord...Ha Ha!
Seriously, is the BK-7m that similar to the Sonic-Cell?
The styles sounded so much more "detailed" than on the earlier arrangers, at least in the on-line demos....did you at least find them improved in that way?
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#321843 - 04/14/11 07:35 AM
Re: BK7m- first impression
[Re: cgiles]
Senior Member
Registered: 11/12/08
Posts: 2450
Loc: Bluffton/Hilton Head SC USA
Hey Chas
Your ears burning. Got to see Fran's very entertaining band this weekend and your name came up---don't worry all good! Said you were coming for a visit maybe. You seem to be one of the few who don't like the BK7m. I'm very intrigued by it and will probably get one. Sooooooo. if you are really interested in the B3, and when and if you see it you will be ,HA!, we could work the module into the deal. Com'on you only live once. I want it to have a good home with someone who will appreciate it. Got a new video studio interested but so far they are still thinking.
Bill in SC --- Roland BK9 (2) Roland BK7M, Roland PK5 Pedals, Roland FP90, Roland CM30 (2), JBL Eon Ones (2) JBL 610 Monitor, Behringer Sub, EV mics, Apple iPad (2) Behringer DJ mixer
#322023 - 04/16/11 09:39 AM
Re: BK7m- first impression
[Re: cgiles]
Senior Member
Registered: 09/29/05
Posts: 6703
Loc: Roswell,GA/USA
As I've had more of an opportunity to spend time with this module, I have to say that my feelings haven't changed very much. My main negative about this module, in fact my ONLY negative about this module, is the STYLES. This is a matter of personal preference and is NOT a reflection on the QUALITY of the styles. Judging by the positive responses to some of the demos put up by some SZ members, I would say that the styles in this module would be very well received (and usable) by most members here. They absolutely are very detailed and well programmed and most of the instrument voices are on par with or better than anything in the arranger world. The drums are as good or better than anything I've heard on an arranger, including my beloved Korg PA. It's the STYLES that I find uninspiring, lacking in dynamics; in a word, BORING. If you mute the arr. tracks, there are some decent, even good, bass/drum patterns which are VERY usable and is the main reason I'm keeping the module. It's OS is as good and intuitive as Korg's is bad and unintuitive. Also like the small footprint which makes it suitable for placing on top of your controller keyboard.
I think the positives far outweigh the negatives, but for me, an arranger is all about STYLES, STYLES, STYLES. STYLES that match the type of music that you play. I will try to use this module live (a first for me) to accompany a female vocalist, with either my VP-770 or my Nord C1 (haven't decided yet - both drive it just fine). In my 'studio', I will use it with my Roland A70 controller keyboard. I'll spend this afternoon programming the A70 for maximum KB control over the BK7m. The FC-7 foot controller works perfectly and in the default position, controls all four variations plus start/stop. Sadly, I can't use it with the C1 configuration because of my PK7a pedals. It will actually set on top of the PK7a but I can't see it well enough to use it.
I have to say, for an inexpensive arranger module, the 'tones' (Roland speak) are first rate. If you like Roland Styles, with the right controller, you could have an excellent $1500 Arranger keyboard (Module+controller).
I won't post anything because I think too much stock is placed on how much a person likes that type of music. Everyone (including me) loves Telmo's 'productions' and quite a few attribute it to the T4, although 50% of the 'content' comes from sources outside the T4. In that case, we give high marks to the T4, based in large part, on the artistry of the performer and external content. Not that the T4 isn't an excellent instrument, but, as Tony Hughes points out, Telmo is going to make it sound a heck of a lot better than you or I, especially live out on a gig. JMO.
Edited by cgiles (04/16/11 09:43 AM)
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]
#322025 - 04/16/11 09:52 AM
Re: BK7m- first impression
[Re: cgiles]
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
I agree about the factory styles on ALL of the arrangers not being exactly what we'd like...that's why I spend so much time editing and assembling styles that suit me.
Of course, not everyone wants to do that, and most of the people I talk with are totally happy with their arrangers (of any brand) without any additions. Personally, I've added nothing to my Tyros4 except for re-programming styles...I don't see the need for extra samples, or bunches of custom registration banks...the instrument has more than enough sonic power for my needs, right out of the box.
I hope the BK-7m works out for you...it sure appears to be a handy little rig. You should be able to find at least a few styles among the zillions available for Roland arrangers that at least make you reasonably happy...if I had felt as disappointed as you do with your BK-7m, with my Tyros4, I'd probably send it back....as you say, the STYLES are what count.
Have you tried re-programming/re-assembling/re-voicing the ones on the BK-7m? It's supposed to have the same tools as the arrangers.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.