Hi Robbo,
I think Michael Bedesem has a great utility program that will fix midi files and allow you to transpose tracks of a midi file.
Display and Edit File data
http://www.psrtutorial.com/MB/midiplayer.htmlMidiPlayer provides a broad selection of display and editing facilities for style, song, multipad and voice edit files:
File Information: The Play List shows file size, tempo, time signature, key, use of MegaVoices, midi type, style variations, internal name, copyright, source instrument and style used. This information is useful for pre-qualifying a file for play or processing.
Average Midi Volume: Colored line, numeric, and slider Displays. Adjustment via automatic and manual editing of overall and channel volumes.
Discrete volume events: Displayed on a Volume Map (volume versus measures) by channel with event editing.
Instrument voices: MidiPlayer’s selections can be viewed, manually changed and the pitch transposed.
MegaVoices: Optional automatic and manual selection (effects not included).
Midi Data: The display decodes midi, metadata and sysex events contained in song, style, multipad and voice files. Sort, copy, find and a print function are provided.
Marker/style sections: Displays structure and allows song or style sections to be played individually.
Pan Settings: Event display and Pan Map (pan vs. measures) by channel, with editing. Includes AutoPan function which assigns pan locations according to instrument type and typical studio practice.
Tempo: Map (tempo vs. measures) with selective and global editing of events.
Midi File Transpose: Includes display of key before and after (non-rhythm tracks).
Fixes: List of repairs performed on the currently loaded file.
CASM: Display with search and printing functions.
OTS: Voice display with printing and ability to select OTS from other styles.
Music Finder Database: Displays song, genre, tempo, time signature and keywords of any entries that are included with a style file. Includes print function.
Lyric, XF & Sysex Chords and Text: These are displayed in a lead sheet format and may be printed or saved as a text file. Kar Conversion and transposition to the key of C also available.
Effect Settings: Reverb, Chorus and Sustain settings can be viewed in a table and map format, edited and scaled by a percentage value.
Icons: Displays all available icons and allows replacement for midis, styles, voices and multipads.