Hi Guys and Gals !!
Firstly, my wife Sunny would like to thank the responders on her post 'Green Door' for their kind comments. Hopefully, she will be able to do so in person soon, as she has eMailed Nigel requesting membership !!
Recently, one of my 'Ham Radio' friends, Paul - asked Sunny if she would do a song for his Trucking Site. - If you havn't seen it, its amazing!! She decided that an appropriate song would be 'Truck Drivin' Man' - recorded it on her KN7000 and sent him the Mp3.
So why not join Paul, with Sunny playing 'Truck Drivin' Man' as they go firstly, under the River Thames in London by the Dartford Tunnel, then across Tower Bridge.
DARTFORD TUNNELTOWER BRIDGEFrom about 4am to 4pm every weekday, you can join Paul as he drives around England in his truck doing deliveries. you can also see exactly where he is on a moving map under the Video. He is a very clever electronics 'whizz-kid' and this is just amazing.
Check it out at
TRUCK CAM Kind regards,