I like edgy humor that makes me think. I also enjoy movies, music or art that challenge me to stretch beyond my comfort zone. As a performer, I hope that people who listen to my work find some fresh twists on the material that I play. Bottom line, I like artistic innovation, intellectual challenges and the creative process being used to take us places we might not want to go.

I thought about this video for much of the afternoon. I "get" it. We're taught at a very young age to recite, daily, an oath of allegiance to the United States of America. As children, seeking to fit in, the vast majority of us fall in line, learn the words and say them with our classmates. To have a child recite things they don't necessarily comprehend smacks of indoctrination. That's the ugly way to put it. The more standard rationale for it is that the Pledge is a tradition that, for a few seconds a day, perhaps focuses a young person on the symbolic importance of our Flag and Country.

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Edited by Bill in Dayton (06/08/11 07:48 PM)
Bill in Dayton