If you don't know, if you own a SD1 and have 4.0 running or a SD1plus owner, If you press arrange view and wish to isolate a particular part from a style, you can do this and the feature is called "unplugged".
Press from main screen, press F5 for arrange view, choose a part of a style you wish to unplug and press the 1st chord master volumne buttons together and the style is unplugged.
Also they have created a style category called "unplugged".. He's what he had to say..
Sandro is the keyboard designer for Ketron.
Unplugged is one family of th SD5 Style, featuring only Guitar or Piano backgrounds and some acoustic percussion when needed ( such as Bossa etc. ). Very nice for singing, composing and so on.
The Guitar pattern have been strongly improved on the SD5 with natural audio strummings.
Sandro Fontanella
KETRON s.r.l.
SD5 coming soon !
I got a feeling this keyboard is going to be hot.
Ketron, Yamaha, Casio,Korg
http://www.baltimoremusiccenter.com 1-866-348-8876