OK Bernie

Since there seems to be some confusion about the settings in the KN7000 with reference to keeping particular parameter configurations,
when a new file is loaded from Disk or SD Card, maybe the following will help.....
The settings in Panel Memory Expand Mode determine which parameters may be changed, as you select different Panel Memory buttons.
Setting an option to OFF, will prevent any changes being made to the selected Parameter,
when you press the P.M. buttons, during playing.However, when you load a new 'Song' file from Disk or SD, which contains the 'Panel Memory' and/or 'Current Panel' components (which you can see on the LOAD display),
the Load operation can overwrite some of the Panel Memory settings, to comply with the settings which were applied, when the Disk or SD card file was originally saved. You may or may not wish this to happen!
To prevent this happening - as in the case in question here, the EQ and Footswitch settings - you need to use the Data Protection facility.
The Data Protection settings are held in 'Flash' memory - similar to that used by the KN7000's 'Custom Memory' and the SD Card - so they will not be affected by power-down. These particular settings will only change if you alter them deliberately - just like the SD Cards and the Custom Memory content.
In short, if you wish to prevent Disk or SD Load operations altering your favourite settings, then set the appropriate 'Data Protection' Options to 'ON', (Press 'Customise' > 'Data Protection' > Select and Set Parameter >
Press OK) AND, in the 'Panel Memory Expand Mode', set the options you wish to protect, to 'OFF'