The SD1 is a great machine, but still there are unsolved problems with OS4.0b :
Some faulty styles,
Missing intro's for some styles,
Latency while using some sounds,
Note dropouts while playing styles,
Note dropouts while playing midi's
and some other problems.
I was one of the bèta-tester for OS4.0C in which some tuning in polyphony-per-part was
established. This 4.0c works better than 4.0b.
15 (!) months ago Ketron promised the official version 4.0c to be 'released soon'
We tried to contact mr. Sandro Fontanelli(sandro@ketron.it), ketron@ketron.it, the official distributor for benelux and my dealer many many times.
A few weeks ago finally a message from Ketron Italy came in with a promise : Software is ready and will be released in a few days.
AJ confirmed this message and he expected the release somewhere in week# 42.
We now have week# 43 and nothing happened.
www.ketron.it site seems to be unchanged since several months ?
Keep in mind that customers are waiting since Juli 2003 !!
In the meantime customers complains are ignored and Ketron puts all energy in 'shows' and the only new product, a thing called "Midjay".
I my view this is the wrong attitude and will cause customers walk away from Ketron.
The PA1XPro or the G70 are serious candidates to replace my SD1.
Some friends of mine purchased the PA1XPro because I adviced them NOT to purchase Ketron products. I'm glad they did!
It is amazing how many sites for Korg PA1Xpro are active...downloads, support, forums, styles, sounds.... a huge communitiy.
Compare this to Ketron products/support that is extremely poor to NONE.
It's obvious I'm angry.... is'nt it ?
[This message has been edited by Roel (edited 10-20-2004).]