#328963 - 07/17/11 07:42 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: Anthony Johnson]
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Registered: 07/27/05
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Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
The main thing is, that if it does work, it will be a great move forward for the average home player and maybe someone who entertains the oldies and it won't entail carrying a cartload of extremely expensive equipment to do it. Tony
Anthony, there will be a few from Yamaha's competitor's with their sour grapes responses, but, if the number of hits this thread has had, in only several days (almost 2500 at my last count), is any indication, it seems to be something in which people are very interested. And, like you say, it won't involve carrying a cartload of extremely expensive equipment...just your trusty Tyros4. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#328964 - 07/17/11 07:45 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: leeboy]
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Registered: 10/09/04
Posts: 2580
Loc: Ocala, FL USA
Tony, Wrong, Korg sells many more arrangers than Yamaha IF you consider world wide sales. Turkey buys those things like we buy flat screen TV's.
But any how, I still have not seen a demo/prformance that is as good as the one I posted on an 'arranger' with no PRO add on modules, studio engineers etc involved. Using a non singer.
James, the demo you posted is not valid in this scenario..THAT GUY CAN SING.
I am aware of a lot of the things used in the studios...and they are cool...but, can you find us a demo/performance of someone that cannot sing, on the PA3X that is this good?? I hope so, as I would love to hear it. (No external equipment allowed). And, It has to show what the Yamaha video did , the singer is way off pitch (I'm not even that bad!) and the sound must be natural and not digital sounding.
Many of us out here, that are not good singers would like to be able to sing on key for our own enjoyment, family ect. we are not talking PRO's here.
Lee S.
#328967 - 07/17/11 08:16 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: leeboy]
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Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Ian, I'm a litle confused now...according to the post respose Eileen (psrtutorial) said this is already a done deal, people already know how to do it?? So why do we need anything else from Yamaha or Craig?? Thanks, I'm only aware of Eileen's post...I have not tried out what settings she indicated. I have a feeling Craig's software adds more, but time will tell. BTW, Lee, do you actually feel that Korg has sold more PA3X's than Yamaha has sold Tyros4? Remember, the PA3X was introduced a bit later....according to a friend of mine on Korg forums, the instrument is only now getting into people's hands, and is working through a few initial bugs. Another thing I don't understand...why are we seeing so few YouTube videos from PA3X owners...maybe it's because of what I suggested above? One would imagine that, with such a fine TOTL instrument, there would be many videos showcasing it's sound and new features...T4 owners don't seem to have any problems posting lots of performances...one player, Joost, is doing a weekly and totally improvised showcase with a Tyros4, using nothing but on-board styles and factory One Touch Settings...in other words, and out-of-the-box instrument. His performance is well worth a listen. It's very strange we do not see similar performances by Korg PA3X users, if there are as many as you say. Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#328968 - 07/17/11 08:19 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: leeboy]
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Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
Hi James,I fully understand your argument and you are probably correct ( after all, I know next to nothing about any of this technology ) BUT, how much equipment do you have to do these same tricks and what did it cost? Well you don't need to drop 3 Grand on one like me, you can get the Voice Works Plus rack for in around 500 USD and that comes with full on Voice Modelling, Harmony and more... Here's some practical demo's of actual real world use. Voice Modelling Demo + Pitch Tracking of what he plays on the keys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wgJS6nLKKNYRealistic Harmony. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uspU-ev_vWQIt may well be that we're being fooled by the YouTube video - we'll have to see as more becomes known. I myself have doubts but have an open mind at this stage. Well it does what it does, so.... there's no trick there. Just beware of the fact that you do have to sequence in every note your going to sing and then advance the sequence during the performance. Also don't forget, it will not sound like your voice at all. I'm all for this technology, but not in the fashion Yamaha are promoting in this video. They are taking serious technology and making it into a gimmick. I'd much rather see someone drop 500 bucks on a Voice Works Plus and have their natural voice polished and improved without the need to sequence anything. You just play your keyboard and sing. To me that's far more rewarding. The main thing is, that if it does work, it will be a great move forward for the average home player and maybe someone who entertains the oldies and it won't entail carrying a cartload of extremely expensive equipment to do it. I see two things there. 1: This is only an opportunity for Yamaha to sell something that you will get a laugh out of at home. Nobody will use it live, and you can be sure many will lack the ability to sequence the notes. For that, Yamaha will no doubt be on hand to sell you midi files at a cost. 2: It all so sad when there are real products out there you could be using live. Regards James
#328970 - 07/17/11 08:28 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: leeboy]
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
James, for what this feature is designed for....having the MIDI of the song you are going to play is FINE...it is kind of a kaoroke. But it would work fine at home or elsewhere for someone to sing with. This is not a live PRO gigging musicians tool. Well, it could be used in a special situation...how many here can sing songs from Phantom of the Opera??? ON KEY??? Not many...so you see it may have some applicibility for anyone.
One other question...since I am out of sync with the Korg PA3X..did they fix the TONS of bad sounds coming forward on the PA3 that were on the PA2?? That's one BIG reason I sold mine??? I sent 3 pages of bugs in the sounds to Korg, never heard a word back. I agree, Lee, this is probably not intended as a pro gigging tool, however, I'm sure some pros will find some very creative uses for it. It is intended to be FUN mostly, and, quite frankly, it is going to be a real hoot to demo, if it comes to fruition, which, I think it will. It will work, not only on commercial-type SMF (many available for free on the Internet), but others as well, including those you make yourself on the instrument. We all like to have FUN and get the most out of our instruments, I know I do. Ian PS...were there that many bad sounds in the PA2X? Hopefully the matter has been looked after by Korg in the PA3X. PSS...2588 views of this thread at my last count...appears to be a lot of interest.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#328975 - 07/17/11 09:21 AM
Re: You will not believe this!!!!!
[Re: leeboy]
Senior Member
Registered: 11/18/01
Posts: 1631
Loc: Ireland
James, Any standard MIDI will work, so what effort is there in that?? That's not true. If your going to sing far out of tune like this guy is doing, then you MUST sequence in the notes your supposed to be singing into the song. Which is exactly what he did. Look at what notes he's playing on the keyboard too. He is only using the keys to step through the sequence. He is not singing what he's playing. All you do is tell it which MIDI channel to use. Sorry but you couldn't be more wrong. How on earth do you expect the software to magically know what the melody of any song is ? He’s not using Chord Recognition. Automatic “Auto Tune” or Chord Recognition corrections only works off Pitch, key and Scales specified before you sing the song and it can only correct notes that are out by a few cents. It is impossible to correct notes that are entirely wrong without actually sequencing what your supposed to be singing. This is a simply and obvious fact...!!!! If voice live can do EXACTLY this,,, I want to see it. And if I actually went to the bother of proving it to you, what would that achieve ? I already know it's possible as does anyone using Pitch Correction Rack units or software. Regards James.