It depends Tony, how you look at it? invite a good keyboard player for an experiment , setup both keyboards with the same PA and have them side by side, blind fold your eyes sit in the hotspot and listen to each one, doesn't matter if you have bigger buttons or a touch screen, to me sound is 90% to someone else it could be 50% that's personal taste, now who do you think would win? I am not talking about style or how good it was written, don't confuse the two, I am talking about how close you can get an arranger to the real thing of a lIVE band sound, that's what the Audya is about, now the TYROS 4 has alot of other goodies like a huge sampler but again almost same concept from Tyros 1,2,and 3.
Edited by vangelis (07/18/11 06:22 PM)
Currently main setup on stage are:KORG PA4X,PA1000