I love the sound of the Wersi and the Bohm they are bespoke organs, there is nothing sounds like either of them, but alas there is no market for them, its like the boat thing , two of the happiest people in the World someone buying and boat and someone selling the boat, just like Wersi and Bohm.
The Demo is nice but it could be anyone playing the Organ, they need to be there live, a face, hand movements, hell I could start posting my sounds with a picture of me on the Ketron or T4, and Klaus dubbed over it playing Tico, Tico and Popcorn.
Bill, I do really admire your enthusiasm about Wersi but its terminal , the good old days will never return, I know there is no harm in thinking it will but I am a realist.
I would have bought a Wing but I think the writing is on the wall with that also, not one person yet has posted anything on YouTube, unless you can find one, but please Bill not a still photo, someone really enjoying owning and playing one. Sure, it will sound good, there is no question of that.
Bill I hope your steadfastness with Wersi prove me entirely wrong , if you do and the Wing is a knock out I might need to eat my hat and my words and sell up and buy one.
It would be hellish nice to see them turn it around, but history has a bad habit of repeating itself and I don’t think the dealers have enough money in a deal to push the product.
Best Regards
Tyros 4/Pair SR 350/ PC with a i8 intel chip, XENYX 802, Ford Focus 2 litre/Tascam DR07/Brother printer/Designjet 500/ our Doris/5 Grandchildren/ white boxers short Kymart shipped over and Typhoo Tea Earl Grey