SConner - The installation of the Orch Flash ROM is very srtaight forward.
Simply remove the 6 screws from underneath the unit (3 on each side) and the smaller ones from along the front edge and the top of the unit will separate from the lower part. when apart lift the front edge right up as the two halves are still connected by ribbon cables for the panel buttons and the display.
In front of you there are two circuit boards. The one on the right is the sound generating board and you will see two empty connector strips on this board that the orch expansion card fits onto. The connectors are different lengths so it is impossible to install the card chip the wrong way round
You can't go far wrong as there are only two empty slots in the unit - The other one is for the FRAM pattern expansion card and is on the main circuit board which is to the left of the sound generator board.
Of course, like when handling any sensitive electronic components take care and ensure you are grounded (earthed) when you carry out the above.
After you have installed the hardware you then have to install the software which comes on 9 diskettes. First put in the program disk, press the DISK button and select the "ORCH" option followed by load.
You will then be asked to insert each of the other disks - make sure you enter these in turn - It tells you which number disk it wants each time. You will see the sound blocks being loaded into flash RAM from each disk. When all disks are loaded the machine re-sets itself and installation is conplete
You will find that you now have additional voices - You will find these on the SECOND page of your USER VOICES and are shown in lower case. There are various additions on each group except the CHROM group. You will also find that many of your PROGRAMS have changed so you may wish to save off the original PROGRAMS to disk. The new PROGRAMS have a "!" at the beginning of their name. For example, the first piano PROGRAM is now called !GRANDPIANO instead of GRANDPIANO and is now made up by combining the (new) stereo Left and Right Grand Piano sample waveforms.
As you can see from the above DAN and AJ are correct about being able to also fit the FRAM card and I now have one on order.
There are several new voices and I am very pleased with the upgrade. When you consider what has been squeezed into 8MBytes. There are Acoustic and Electric pianos, Brass, Reeds, Strings, Accordions, Guitars, Organs, Pad, Synth and Ethnic voices. Although there are no additional Bass voices there are a couple of vocal effects on page 2 of the bass user voices.
Hurry up and fit your upgrade, you will love many of the new sounds. I especially like the new B3jazz which is the classic 16ft and 1ft drawbard sampled with fast Leslie. This compliments all the other great tonewheel sounds. There is also a new dirty grungy organ voice to play or mix with the others.
Regards - Keith