its not a midi file. Its a style the guy wrote himself
hi Spaulding:
If an auto accomp. style was used, how do you account for (@ 2:47 and on) this guy's left hand exclusively dedicated to operating the PB stick, and not required to trigger the song's chord changes?
The only way this would be possible in auto accompaniment style mode would be if the PA3X's 'on the fly' chord sequencer feature was utilized.
If this is the case, this video's an impressive demonstration of the PA3X's chord sequencer, and it's ability to 'free up' the player to fully utilize the PB stick on guitar solos etc.
The question now is:
Where in the video does it show him actually activating the chord sequencer (into record mode) of which requires him to press 'two buttons' at once, and then later, stop recording and initiate chord sequencer playback.
Where on the PA3X are the chord sequencer function buttons located?
Can anyone verify where on the video it shows the chord sequencer recorder actually being activated, and then later played back?