already mastered the MS before you got it...
Please make a performance...make a combination patch (8 parts) with splits and layers, using VST's..Link it to a Standard Midi File, editing with one of the programs shipped with the MS (Rose garden will do)....Set up midi so you can select 8 midi parts from your Kronos....Now record using the wave recorder on board..a 3 minute tune....Please post the results here...let's say ..30 minutes (project time)...Most average MS owners can do this...
...Heck let's give you an hour
Seriously No one mastered the MS via PC experience alone...There is a learning curve..and one would mislead folks to say otherwise.....The MS is so feature laden..with it's MS interface, and capabilities...I will repeat..No one I know had mastered it..especially sight unseen....vitually impossible