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#331457 - 09/10/11 09:41 AM My thoughts on 9/11, ten years later...
Bill in Dayton Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2202
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
I've been thinking for about a week on the upcoming tenth anniversary of the attacks on America. I knew more what I didn't want to say than what I did. Billions of words have been written about the events of 9/11. The loss of life, the heroic efforts of the first responders, the sense of nationalism that swept the Country around that time. The lens through which Islam would be viewed through going forward. The causes. The conspiracy theories. Etc. If its remotely connected to that day, there's no shortage of content on the internet that's available. A Google search on "September 11th" and "911" produces over 256 Million returns in less than one second. Using the same search terms on, over 11 thousand returns appeared.

Should I have just skipped it? That didn't seem right either. Here's what I came up with...

My thoughts on the tenth Anniversary of the 9/11 attacks:

Nationalism is not always good...

Islam is not always bad...

I am an American and I love my Country. I am eternally glad I was born here than anywhere else. That said, if I were from Scotland or Canada or Japan or Israel or Syria, I'm guessing I would probably feel the same way. Would I necessarily want to live in those countries is another matter entirely. Economics play a big part in that kind of thing, so to leave your homeland for economic gain hardly cancels one's feelings toward a homeland. Yes, I felt swelled with a sense of nationalism on 9/11. Like many others, I went out to the store that day and purchased a flag. The biggest flag I could hang off of my front porch. That was the thing to do that day for guys like me. We donated to the Red Cross. We followed the news as things unfolded. I added an extra patriotic song to my performances. It wasn't much. It wasn't profound. It's just what I did.

What I didn't do that day, unlike a few of my fellow Ohioans, was to drive to the nearest Mosque and shoot at it. The thought never occurred...

Reasonable Conversation
Bill in Dayton
Bill in Dayton

#331504 - 09/12/11 08:45 AM Re: My thoughts on 9/11, ten years later... [Re: Bill in Dayton]
Mockie Offline

Registered: 04/05/08
Posts: 310
Loc: Dublin Ireland
Hi Bill

I would like to comment on you line "Islam is not always


What you say seems correct to me.

About 10 yrs ago, months before 9/11 we had a student staying

with us from Saudia Arabia studying English . Yes he was a

devout Muslim and he was always very happy with a big smile.

We could talk to him about anything, my son who then was 26

yrs old really liked him.

The student invited us( my family) to visit the mosque ( a big

one in Dublin, very new at the time. We were shown around the

mosque by what appeared to be a senior cleric. We were treated

with the utmost courtesy and could ask any question we liked.

He knew we were christians but never made us feel awkward.

It is true, not all muslims are terrorists. I visited Turkey (a muslim country)

this year (cruise) and came home with a whole different

attitude. previously the idea of Turkey joining the EU

worried me, not anymore. I think they can make a great

contribution in uniting the lot of us.

I think Americans need to

travel the world a bit and get to know people without judging

the world by what the see on a TV screen or newspaper, that

certainly would be a great contribution to peace for everyone.

Just my opinion.

Edited by Mockie (09/12/11 08:46 AM)
Roland Juno DS-88 Roland BK-7m. Midi Accordion

#331516 - 09/12/11 02:11 PM Re: My thoughts on 9/11, ten years later... [Re: Mockie]
Bill in Dayton Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 2202
Loc: Dayton, OH USA
Originally Posted By: Mockie
Hi Bill

I would like to comment on you line "Islam is not always


What you say seems correct to me.

About 10 yrs ago, months before 9/11 we had a student staying

with us from Saudia Arabia studying English . Yes he was a

devout Muslim and he was always very happy with a big smile.

We could talk to him about anything, my son who then was 26

yrs old really liked him.

The student invited us( my family) to visit the mosque ( a big

one in Dublin, very new at the time. We were shown around the

mosque by what appeared to be a senior cleric. We were treated

with the utmost courtesy and could ask any question we liked.

He knew we were christians but never made us feel awkward.

It is true, not all muslims are terrorists. I visited Turkey (a muslim country)

this year (cruise) and came home with a whole different

attitude. previously the idea of Turkey joining the EU

worried me, not anymore. I think they can make a great

contribution in uniting the lot of us.

I think Americans need to

travel the world a bit and get to know people without judging

the world by what the see on a TV screen or newspaper, that

certainly would be a great contribution to peace for everyone.

Just my opinion.

Thank you for reading, Frank. You and I are indeed of a like mind on this. Please continue to follow the blog...
Bill in Dayton


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