maybe different HD from the rest of ours? faster processor, faster chips, better RAM?
I bought it in October 2010 in Germany.
HD-Type is a
Seagate LD 25.2, Typ : ST980210A, FW: 3.ALC, Date : 09045
Maybe it does not flicker because I bought it in the south of Germany, 250 kms from the Italian boarder ( I�m living more than 1.000 kms away form that boarder )

I didn�t see a flicker either when I tried it via my PC-monitor

@Leezone : You forgot as a possible reason my age

. But I�m 45 and I can see the flickering of flourescent lamps ( im Germany we have 50 Hertz frequency instead of 60 in the US ).
So my eys are still good, even though I need glasses meanwhile