Hi Deane,
I experimented using my SD2 with my psr1500, a few years back.
Thought I'd get a better result with styles converted from ketron to yamaha if I actually had the Ketron Live Drum sounds. In theory, idea sounded great, reality was a different matter. EMC just didn't do a good job of converting the actual style, left out some controllers.
Bascically I had in mind, psr plays user style using SD2 as sound module for style parts, psr voices for melody.
Also discovered the only voices that psr could access for melody, was the main GM bank on the SD2.
PSR doesn't send out the correct Bank Changes to control an sd2. (Mind you it's the sd2 who's bank change setup is a bit odd.) Also with the psr, I couldn't choose to have a mix of sd2 & psr playing different style tracks. ie psr plays bass, guitar piano, sd2 drums & live drums. With psr it was aall or nothing.
Fortunately when I eventually bought my korg PA800, I was able to use the SD2 with it.
The Korg was able to send out correct bank changes, and I was able to have a mix of style parts & access any voice I wanted on the sd2.
With Varranger now, I'm hoping to be able to convert some of my favourite styles across to my korg.
Not sure there'd really be much point in miding your SD2 to the T4. I would imagine the quality of the T4 voices would be superior to SD2 voices ? plus you'd probably only be able to use the main bank on the SD2 using the T4.
Does anyone know how to setup and use the Ketron SD2 Sound Module to work with a Tyros 4?
Exactly what does the SD2 Unit do that is of use for a T4 player?
What are the midi settings needed to make the SD2 Module work with a T4?