Thanks to everyone for your kind congratulatory support.
Yes, Korg is definitely an exciting and fun new arranger adventure for me.
I'm really having a lot of fun spntaneously playing and exploring the keyboard sounds, styles, and other uniquely cool Korg features.. ie: duel Sequencer, rt portion of kb assignable auto accomp, etc. I gotta to admit that it was probably its budget price and ultra lightweight portability that put me over the top to buy my first Korg arranger. I immediately appreciate the microArranger's sound which has a bit more of a live edgyness to it than my Yamaha T4. On the other hand, my biggest disappointment so far with the microArranger is that some of the styles fills don't always sync properly with the associated auto accomp style, of which similar complaints were commonly reported about the pa50 as well.
Though the Micro is essentially a micro version of the earlier Pa50SD model, the playing experience feels new and fresh, perhaps because of it's new compact design. There's just something spontaneously and creatively "fun" when playing it, perhaps because I don't have to approach playing it so seriously or because its so easy to simply pick up and go with, and then set it down anywhere and play it with little or no setup time required.