FT1.0.1 (for Mac) will not transfer files without crashing, using Mac OS 10.3.9.
You can see both files, if the SD1 is set to PC rather than Mac. (an old fix) You can transfer a few small files, but then it freezes and you get 2 error messages:
“Can not copy MIDI file - Sent reply packet with wrong check sum (E11)
“Can not load - Instrument sent a reply packet larger than expected (E10)”.
You lose the SD1 root file, have to quit the program, reopen, and it repeats the process.
It seems that the Mac doesn’t see the SD1 hard drive without a “handshake” from the FT software. It doesn’t show in the Finder window.
Is there any work around or settings to correct this, except for using a floppy for transferring files?
Is there any other easy way to tranfer files between 2 SD1’s ?