Originally posted by Nedim:
Well it wont be really the highest taking into
consideration the 15-25000$ Wersi arrangers or
T3 which will be close to AUDYA.
Wersi was honesty not in my mind just because it's for
me more in the big organ category rather than arranger
keyboard. But yes, also the Wersi Abacus and Ikaros are
in that high end. (Sorry to say we have to leave this
country to try out any of those)
Regarding Tyros 3 who just are coming in to the shops
here, it's about 40% lower priced than the predicted
or forecasted price of Audya!!
Audya 50.000 N.Kr, Tyros 3 just slightly under 30.000,
and that's even lower priced than the Ketron SD1.
Anyway, time will tell.
happy playing