It could be the best keyboard in the world but the look of it would still put me right off buying one. It's like a home made mix and match of parts made by others.
It's funny how looks do matter when it comes to a musical instrument.
Check out the website, they have a black custom looks much better, and this unit at the price is pretty darn good. If you look at a power mac, Logic Pro and figure the pricing it's great value. I do believe the furure is this type of thing, and I still believe the day will come when the power music pc will take over and the Yamy's Korgs and Ketron's of the world will sell thier vst or tech's arangers to purchasers, (ie Only get what you want). So don't write him off, some said the Oasys was ordinary looking, this ain't so bad. It's the sound you get and deliver to the audience, that is the key