Hey listen Bachus,
But your right if you want to make music out the box, it's a T4 you need.
You know Tony, this is very important to me. I was thinking about the KMA (is that short for K-Mart?, Just kidding) and everybody says you have to tweak the blazes out of Korg's to "make it your own." If that is the case I think I will stay clear. I have heard some of the tweaked ones and didn't think they were anything to write home about. BUT, they do have some cool sounds and styles that I wouldn't mind having. Hmmm, maybe a cheap Korg, you know around $500. By jove, (isn't that what you say in England) I think I'll check into a KMA.

Truthfully, we are all basically kids with the same desires. Just bigger, more expensive toys.
I can talk myself into and out of and into again a KMA in a minute

Don't pay any attention to what I said here. It's just me thinking out loud. It's kind of like therapy.haha