WOW Miden...good to hear from you again!
Great point on chord progression, not very practical for live play as it takes some time to loop those chords as needed.
Thanks Larry

I do agree with Don, it is a fun thing to play with...If you know your average vocal key is for most songs, as Don could probably have a preset prog lined up for each set....
Also agree that the style recorder is also another very viable option..
Record a simple style using one of the great styles on the PA3, but base it around a set chord progression, rather than ALL on C...say one for your typical blues/12 bar for any number of 50s/60s R+R, some 1/5 patterns etc etc..then just load these up into their own fav folder, so whenever you want to play more authentic sax or guitar or other instrument that needs both hands, over the top you could.
Would take some setting up, but as with all of these once setup they are there forever

I was really disappointed in the CS for doing jazz tunes, as I wanted to be able to paly correct two-handed combo piano parts...too restrictive for that role, but I CAN see it working in other roles..