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#34096 - 05/14/09 01:59 AM transpose Audya
player 1 Offline

Registered: 02/24/09
Posts: 96
Loc: Vargon Sweden
Hello all Audya players (not so many yet)

My first wondering of this machine.
After I had transposed the the midi file, the lower part is not working before I push the transpose button + and - once, and if I chose to use the vocalizer for the left side it will sound as the lower part. Have I done something wrong?

[This message has been edited by player 1 (edited 05-14-2009).]

#34097 - 05/14/09 10:03 AM Re: transpose Audya
leezone Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 06/24/08
Posts: 3131

good luck getting an answer to your question from Ketron

it's like pulling teeth, really.

i'm still waiting for an answer to 2 emails i sent them 3 weeks ago....

that's PATHETIC customer service, tech. support...

it's makes you really wanna buy more Ketron products like AUDYA, when customer support is non existent...

#34098 - 05/14/09 10:57 AM Re: transpose Audya
player 1 Offline

Registered: 02/24/09
Posts: 96
Loc: Vargon Sweden
I must give the question direct to Ketron (AJ) because I have never seen any others from Ketron on this side. I would be very helpful if there is a trouble shooter answering our question on this site. When the price is so high on Audya it must be som support from Ketron. What is the reason for such expensive mashine and only a quick guide, if the manual had been more complet maybe it wouldŽnt be so many questions

Regards Hasse from Sweden

and Leezone, thanks for your comment

#34099 - 05/14/09 11:23 AM Re: transpose Audya
Gunnar Jonny Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 04/01/01
Posts: 4334
Loc: Norway
Originally posted by leezone:
...when customer support is non existent...

Well, my experience regarding Ketron support are in fact very good.
When I got a problem after upgrade SD1 OS, they replied rapidly by
e-mail and even added a "quick fix-file" to solve the problem.

But, when it comes to the Audya hype, it sure started way too early
and stired up the expectations and/or anticipations to levels hardly
seen before when hype a new arrangerkeyboard..
Guess Ketron won't do it likewise if or when a new model start take
form at the engineers drawing board.

Cheers đŸ„‚
"Success is not counted by how high you have climbed
but by how many you brought with you." (Wil Rose)


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