On Friday I attended this:
http://www.muzika.org.uk/muzikit-come-and-play-2nd-march/Muzika is a charity set up to help with the education of Romanian children with disabilities (both mental and physical) to increase quality of life and education through music. The charity is now applying what they have learned to assist anyone with a special need and is now benefitting people across the globe.
It turned into a bit of a brainstorming session and during a run through using Kates music a problem arose - even simple music (represented by colours and food shapes) take up quite a bit of space and one tune takes up three sides of A4 (US letter) paper.
An Ipad/ android device may be suitable but its still going to be more than one page and 'turning the page' would require a USB controller. Whilst this may not be ideal for Romania, in the UK institutions can budget for technology devices and no doubt this is the same in the USA
I know some of you are using such devices. Could you let me know the device and software you use, how you get your music onto the device and how you control the page please?