Most of the styles on the Audya are in 4/4 time.
What is the easiest way to create a 3/4 time signature style?
Can you create one from a 4/4 style?
It is impossible to make a style with 4/4 time signature to 3/4...
It need to clean the style, in order that to give again a new time signature....
A easy way is to select a Factory 3/4 style, press SAVE to Save in USER STYLE BANK...
Select now your style that you have saved, < in USER STYLE > press EDIT and you can to start your modification.... A good way is to select a diferent AUDIO DRUMS with 3/4 time signature, or Drums Bank that exist ready many Midi Styles, and from STYLE MODELING to select Midi Riff Chords, Bass, etc...
Press SAVE and you are ready!!!
Style Producer
Ketron Event, Ketron Audya 76, Audya 5, SD9, SD1,Yamaha Genos, Korg Pa3x, microarranger, Roland Fantom G6, V-Synth XT, XV-5080, SH201, D-50, Novation KS4, Dave Smith Evolver