Hi all, Well, I have now decided to go for the 2011 upgrade, but since I will get it from Thomann I have already asked them to verify that it is the 2011 upgrade before I purchase it. On the USB stick you get, does it show 2011 upgrade on it? Or, how can I verify that it is the right update I am getting so I am not getting the old one. Hopefully its the new, but just so I know and if I can find it out by myself by looking at it or if there is some file on it. I am asking because I am blind and just want to be sure that's the right one I am installing if I do it on my own. Or, if I can order it from somewhere else that's also fine. But I wish that the upgrade would have been installed into the Audya when I got it since the update has been available for some time now and they could have included it. Many thanks for any help!
Hi Christian, The 2011 pendrive have files for the AUDYA 76,Audya 5,4,and Audya 8,in your case you pick the Audya 5 file,the version 2010 pendrive have only the file for the 76 key Audya,your Audya 5 have already the 2010 version on board. Audyaplayer.
Christian, what country are you in? It would be better (if possible) to buy the upgrade from your own distributor who will help in the event of a problem. If your in Germany and can speak German then fine, buy from Thomann, however I strongly advise against it if your located elsewhere just in case you need help.
Hi Tony, I live in Sweden, but Thomann has a better price, so it's also one reason why I am choocing that option instead. It's the v4.2b that's installed onto my Audya 4 so I just need to install this new styles/sound update. It would have been good if Ketron had such things available for download instead. Many thanks!
Hi again, Have just read the 2011 upgrade installation guide and I think it's doable without any sighted assistance. It refers to deleting files from the Audya using the disk functions, but I suppose that I could just connect it to my computer and remove the files that way instead. But since the Audya 4 I have is already running the latest operating system, I just have to install the styles and sound upgrade. The little problem could eventually be to know when the upgrade is complete, but I can wait and then try to press enter after two hours and see if it works when I start playing my keyboard. Will something happen if I press enter too early when it's installing the upgrade? Will I have to do something on the Audya itself just for installing the sound/styles upgrade? TO me, it doesn't look so. Many thanks for any info!
There are some preparations before loading the upgrade and please don't miss any steps though. I really wish you had purchased your Audya and USB update from a local distributor so they could help you if you get into a fix.
Hi, Well, haven't purchased it yet since I am waiting for Thomann to confirm that it is the right upgrade so it's not the old one. Also, they want to know my Audya serial number if I order this upgrade. Does anyone know if this number can be found in some file on the harddrive? This is an interesting question, if I would go for an Audya 5 later, will I need to purchase the upgrade again or will it work on that also? Once again, Ketron should have had it available for download. Many thanks!
You will need to purchase it again. It will definitely only work with your current Audya. Also the styles cannot be copied from one Audya to another, even if you make a clone of the original hard drive.
You may have to ask someone to read off the serial number found on the instrument for you.
And as the person that has to take care of support for England, Scotland and Wales I am very, very thankful that Ketron did not release the upgrades as a download! it would have been so terrible for me!. The USB version is simple to instal and by making some additional instructions it has not presented any real challenges among our customers which means my life is much simpler