The G1000 uses 100Mb ZIP Disks, NOT the 250Mb. If you get a 250 external for your PC, make sure you get 100Mb disks and format them to 100Mb, otherwise the G1000 will not read them. Also, if you load files from your PC onto a ZIP disk, you will need to download and use the Roland Database Manager to do it, otherwise the operating system will not be able to see them. The G1000 also has a 1.4Mb HD 3 1/2 inch diskette drive. It may be easier (and a lot cheaper) to get an external USB diskette drive and port files from the PC to the G1000's internal ZIP drive that way. In that case, the OS uses its built-in Database Manager when you do the file copy from diskette to ZIP. No external Database Manager needed. The G1000's internal ZIP drive will also format blank ZIP disks if needed, but I never bought any that were not preformatted. There is a 25 pin "D" connector on the back of the G1000 for connecting to external storage devices. It looks like an old PC serial connector, but it is actually an Apple SCSI connector and will only address the first ONE GB of whatever you connect to it. What a waste !
Good luck !
Fran graduated to a G70 some years ago and still swears by it.
If you go with the G1000, I still have mine and will be available with help and advice as needed.