I hate to stand up.........4 hrs sometimes 8 hr doubles.....
Nice pic jerry......:stood up 25 yrs.....what a dope I was for that........nobody cares.....swollen ankles too.....
You guys that don't want to be physically active will pay for it in later years
You worry about standing while playing,,,you worry about keyboards that weigh over 25 pounds...but never about the size and weight of a 22 ounce prime rib
Maybe the swollen ankles are from the "beef" above the swollen ankles...and not the healthy "standing"
Actually I find it better stage appearance by standing while performing...and it just plain feels better for me...the extra mobility makes interaction better with audience and band members...
Sitting is a restriction..as found with piano players..sure a couple tried to perform standing, but that was a Jerry Lee Lewis type
Jerry, someday I like to borrow your midi button module,,I haven't ever tried one...I will catch you at Gino's soon....if they don't fire you...again