Hi AJ,
I'm really confused with my Audya concerning the right voices. Today I tried to change the general equalizer settings and changed some values from 0 db to about 5db - 6db. After that, a lot of voices sounding completely overdrived/distorted when played with a hard touch - I think this is not a normal behaviour of the Audya.
Some weeks I posted another thread on that issue and with the changed equilizer settings the Audya is from my point of view really not playable.
http://www.synthzone.com/ubbs/Forum22/HTML/001360.html Maybe other Audya owners can try this too and give me a feedback that would help at least to check if its only my Audya.
Could it be that I have a problem with the sound board or could it be a problem of the Audya outputs? Please help.
Remark: It's not the amplifier or the mixer as the effect also occurs with a headphone directly connected on the Audya.
I'm really appreaciate any help on this