I have suffered permanent nerve damage in both legs due to to spinal stenosis/herniated disc. After 2 surgeries (2005/2006) including a fusion , I still have peripheral neuropathy in both legs and take 3,000mg of Gabopentin (generic for Neurontin) daily. I also had tingling in two fingers on my left hand and pain in the middle of my upper arm. Had fusion of c5/c6 in 2010. Symptoms still occur if I keep my head turned to the left. I recently had an mri in may that revealed the next disc below both the cervical and lumbar fusions are herniated. No surgery yet, but it may be down the pike again.
By the time I had the lumbar fusion, the damage had already been done. An emg revealed it after persistent pain after lumbar surgery #2. I didn't wait long when the cervical problem came up and ended up with some lingering pain and fingers on my left hand are unsteady. It's degenerative, so heed the aforementioned advice and have symptoms checked early...
The older I get, the better I was..