Mark - count yourself lucky to have dealt with some pretty super ethical people.
I already did and I include them in my prayers every night, and I'll be certain to send them a Xmas card every year
Your legal aggressiveness wouldn't normally phase another client.
I think anyone with an IQ larger than their shoe size would get the bigger picture!
I don't think any client considers someone a slouch when they make cancellations.
Poor choice of words.........I should have said "PUSHOVER"
As I've read this thread it seems pretty obvious there was a lack of internal communication with the client and you got squeezed.
I definitely got "squeezed" for lack of "internal communication," there was NONE on my part....I'm as clear as a bell when it comes to business communication and MONEY. BTW....I also have a Black Belt in "communication" and the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval in business ethics.
Here in the USA I would never use your heavy handed approach.
AM in the USA!. NYC area. Around here, before you even get your driver's license, you take "survivor skill" Jungle Warfare training, Guerilla tactics,
Emergency survival skills, courses on how to buy a used car without getting ripped off, how to get married, etc. Then, after all that schooling, you take what you learned to the General Motors proving grounds and if you pass those tests, you take your place back in society and hope you never need any of it! This time I did!
I think you should be thankful for having such a great client
Yes'm.....Yes'm.....Yes'm....I totally agree with that!
....instead of boasting about how you bully'd them into submission.
So you're saying no one on the SynthZone boasts about anything, and if you do, you have to do 20 pushups? If I remember correctly, someone boasted in this room a few years back and no one chastised this person. Wait.....I think that was me and you must have overlooked it.
My monologue was maybe 25% boasting and 75% trying to pass on some helpful knowledge for anyone else caught up in this type of situation. Most of my friends don't even know there exists a Small Claims Court for contract enforcement.
I didn't "bully anyone into submission." I gave them their choice in a polite, but firm manner. "Take the reimbursement route, or I'm going to "double down" in court and ask for twice that amount.
It wasn't like this years ago. Now with the economic downturn, and the "every man for himself" mindset, and "always sit with your back against the wall" philosophy, playing music and entertaining an audience is not the joy it used to be! I wish it wasn't like that, but it is.
"Adaptability" is the key word here. You change your behavior to match your client's behavior. You "fight fire with fire." Heck, do I honestly think I'm going to get a condo in Heaven waiting for me (with Fran's showgirls to greet me) if I don't show that I earned it here in the real world!