Hi all,
I came from the Yamaha stable and as such used to visit i.e. PSRTutorial often.
What I miss over here at the Ketron community is the willingness of others to share what they've done with their Ketrons. I.e:
1. Registrations
This is similar to the Yamaha Gig setups. It is hard work taking a style & then assigning the right audio drums, live guitars, groove, bass, channel 4, left & right hand voices, correct harmonizer & equalizer settings. Plus, there are many settings in style view mode that drastically effect a style that could be shared, let alone the various chord, bass & drum settings. Audya is much more sophisticated in these kind of fine tuneups and it's hard to understand & apply these settings. It does not include sharing any copy writed material. Over at Yamaha, we shared this extensively.
2. Tips & tricks
We could all download a document that was regularly updated with the latest findings as contributed by the users.
3. Tutorials
Never before did I find for free such comprehensive tutorials for any arranger as out there. Any most of these were presented and prepared by the users.
4. Harmonizer settings - suggested by users
5. Equalizer settings - suggested by users
6. Custom styles - created, modified & tweaked by users
7. Custom midi files - produces by users
8. Member produced songs in MP3 format
It would be so nice to hear what others are doing with their Audyas.
9. Much, much more...
I find the Ketron group to be not very talkative. Is it purely a language thing? Imagine if we could have the same as the above for the very best arranger out there.
Not meaning to stir, just making my findings known as honestly as I can which I always do. And I am not only on the receiving end. I've personally modified and uploaded many, many thousands of Yamaha styles for all to use freely. But then, so did others also do regularly. These kind of hings keeps the interest in the product alive & healthy.
Keep well all my friends,
Make sure you'll fly forever!