Hi all.
Still getting used to my new PA3X, and I had a few quick questions for those who have been already mastered the board and OS.
1) How can I set the default split point for every time when I load the keyboard?
2) It seems like it's possible to set a default style or performance for each category/button, so that that style or performance is loaded when that button is pushed the first time. A friend sent me one of his SET folders to load, and there were some non default styles and performances set in each category.
How can I change which style or performance is the default one?
3) How can I delete styles or performances once they're saved?
4) If I get styles from somewhere, and want to add them in to my current setup, without losing the styles I currently have loaded, is there any way to merge or copy the styles to the current setup, either on the computer, or on the keyboard itself?
That's all I have off the top of my head for now...
1. Set the split point to where you want it.
Go to Global, then Lock, and find the tab where you can unlock the Split Point parameter. Then,save to the default Performance, which is the first one in Bank 1.
Here is quote from owners manual page 111:
"Since Performance 1 of bank 1 (Performance 1-1) is automatically
selected when turning the instrument on, you can save to it
your preferred start-up settings.
Select the Sounds, Effects, Voice Processor Preset, and other settings
you would like to see automatically selected when turning
the instrument on. Then select the “Write Performance” command
from the page menu. When the Write Performance window
appears, save the settings to Performance 1 of Bank 1. (See
“Write Performance dialog box” on page 138).
Note: If you like some settings to be preserved even when choosing
different Performances, STSs and Styles, turn on the desired
“locks” to avoid changes to the selected parameters (see “General
Controls: Lock” on page 203). Save these locks to the Global (see
“Write Global - Global Setup dialog box” on page 219)."
2. Again, go to Global, Locks to make your selection.
Here is quote from page 206 in manual
: :Auto Select
When one of these parameters is checked, the latest selected
Style or Performance selected in a bank is immediately selected
when pressing the STYLE or PERFORMANCE button corresponding
to the bank.
This way, you can assign your preferred Style or Performance to
each control panel’s button, and select it just with a single press.
However, the Style/Performance Select window still appears
when you press one of the STYLE or PERFORMANCE button
corresponding to the bank, so you can select a different item if
Note: Unless you save your settings by means of the “Write Global-
Auto Select Setup” page menu command, the memorized Style or
Performance is reset to the first one in each bank, when turning the
instrument off and then on again.
Hint: You can save your preferred Performances into the first location
of each bank. This way, by turning on this parameter, you will
select your preferred Performance at the touch of a single button.
Also note that, by turning the “Factory Style and Pad Protect”
parameter off, you can do the same with the Styles."
3. Overwrite them with new style or performance.
4. Yes, when loading a new style, do not load the entire Set. Open the Set, Open the next page etc., until you get to the actual styles. Then press Load. Then Select the location you want to put it, in User Bank probably. Pick a bank where you don't have anything saved, or where you don't care if you overwrite the style already there.
Hint: Place your owners manual in the bathroom and read a section each time you visit.
