Hello John,
I know you are in for a treat. I've just finished putting together a CD to celebrate my niece's 25 years Wedding Party. I used the KN7000, the Tyros 3 and the Tyros 4 styles for this project. Alongside the track numbers I also named the instrument used. I took my initial 'master' copy to our Club for their thoughts on whether it was o.k. or whether it could be improved in any way. All, I repeat all, said the KN7000 was the better, more realistic sound than the other two keyboards. That is not to say, the other two aren't any good, just that the KN7000 is unique in its build, quality of sound, and 'user friendly' operating system and for me it was a real pleasure playing it.
I am sure you will soon get into the 'swing of it' (if you'll pardon the pun) but if you need any help at all, please feel free to ask, I just may have the answer - who knows?
Have fun! - Audrey