Thanks everyone. Ron, I'll check out Porkeys tomorrow. I have a gig Sunday, an outdoor art festival. Should work out just fine for me here from what I have been able to determine so far.
I was invited to dinner last night by 4 ladies aboard a 36-foot sailboat, and we were joined by some friends I've been caravanning south with since Norfolk, VA. Had an incredible dinner, drank some fantastic rum, and the ladies want me to sing for them tonight if I can hook up the keyboard on the boat. Should be fun.
Ironically, there has been a great breeze for sailing, but there are just too many chores to take care of right now, including doing three weeks of laundry. Tomorrow, I may purchase a bicycle so I'll have a means of transportation other than walking or taking a cab.
I rarely have internet connections, so I'll try to keep everyone updated as often as possible.