#356224 - 12/09/12 05:57 PM
Re: My PA600 Is For Sale
[Re: hammer]
Senior Member
Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
No offence, but I do rather think you are throwing the baby out with the bathwater here Deane!!!
Yes there is a little bit of work, but if you are not interested in changing these sorts of settings on a "per style" basis, you can lock them out in the Global menus so that when a style is loaded, whatever preferences you set up in the Performance 1 bank 1, and the Global Style Preferences will apply to ALL styles you select.
In the short term this would get around some of the issues you are experiencing so you can jump in and use styles, whilst slowly but surely over time actually physically editing all the styles to suit yourself...
Yes the Yamaha arrangers ARE set up with a far more rigid and some would say balanced structure, but they are targeted at a different market somewhat...That is NOT a criticism at all, just an observation...
I have never noticed the voicing being factory preset to an octave higher on any Korg arranger, there are plenty set to an octave lower to compensate for the split at C4, but I have not come across those that are set higher.
Maybe it is a new thing from Korg programmers for the PA600? I cannot see it myself and one needs to bear in mind the HUGE number of owners on the Korg forums who bitch about everything but only because they do NOT understand the system, have not read the manual, and jump to hasty conclusions based on nothing but inexperience!!
I am in NO way suggesting that is happening with you Deane, I am merely pointing out some of the rubbish that gets written over there is exactly that!!
Just some thoughts...
#356260 - 12/10/12 12:59 AM
Re: My PA600 Is For Sale
[Re: hammer]
Registered: 01/05/01
Posts: 875
Loc: Garstang, Preston, Lancashire,...
Hi Deane
The comment about tthe RH voices being set to -1 is not correct as you cycle through the STS settings they change to suit each instrument.
Swing Ballad 2, sts1 +1, Whistle sts2 -1, Clarinet sts3 0, Movie Strings sts4 -1 Mute Ensemble
Jazz brush sts1 -2, Baritone Sax sts2 -1, Clarinet sts3 0, Piano sts4 0 Jimmy Organ
On the KMA you can't change the octave transpose for individual tracks you have to use the octave buttons.
Kind Regards
Edited by Saswick (12/10/12 01:24 AM)
#356262 - 12/10/12 01:48 AM
Re: My PA600 Is For Sale
[Re: Saswick]
Senior Member
Registered: 05/05/00
Posts: 1384
Loc: koudekerke, Holland.
I have been somewhat reluctant to butt in here , seeing I have no first hand experience with the PA600 and also because Deane is so satisfied with Resources on the KMA. As you guys know I have been playing the PA800 for the last two years and have just purchased a PSR-S750. A few general observations if I may, without taking sides: For starters there are few or no arrangers that sounds terrific straight out of the box, no, not even the Yammies. Personally I think that the music finder on my PSR for example is a nice starting point to tweak the registration to my satisfaction but nothing more than that. More often than not the balance between left and right is wrong for starters, and generally all acc. tracks have been treated to the value 64 ( which is 50% ,correct me if I am wrong) of reverb, which I hate. So all folks that are playing with the factory presets registrations, music finder or whatever without having tweaked any of them are shortchanging themselves big time.
To the best of my knowledge Korg has always been worse here than Yamaha, though Roland used to be the most awful just out of the box.( yes Fran). Tweaking registrations and sounds is terribly time consuming , more on the yamahas than on the Korgs due to the latter's touch screen but still.
Deane has been very pleased, as have been many many more with the resources that I offered for the KMA. But this needs some clarification. As you know the KMA is identical to the PA80/50, which I owned for four years , played extensively and even more, programmed extensively. So in other words his "modest " set up with the KMA is the result of four years of fairly intensive programming an tweaking. On top of that his taste in music and/or the audiences he is playing gets pretty darn close to the programmer's which is an unexpected bonus I guess.
His decision to consider selling the PA600 is a personal consideration. Having owned PA50/80/500/800 I am sure that with extensive programming and tweaking it can be made to sound good if not terrific. I remember DonM asking me a year ago when I would start on the PA3X. For several reasons, poor health included, I decided to be the wiser and not proceed with the purchase of the PA3X. No doubt a dynamite keyboard but all of my previous years of programming were virtually lost on it and I did not fancy starting again from scratch. I wanted to play, hence also my recent home-made CD. ( q.v.). also remember that the amount of variables on the PA3X, also due to the EQ settings, is so vast and overwhelming that I thought the better of it. Again I want to emphasize that both new Korgies are great keyboards in my view but they will need extensive programming whichever use you put them to.
Personally I am doubt whether to retain the brand new Yamaha PSR-S750. I had a 3000 and 900 before I cannot see what all the excitement is about. Yes some right-hand sounds are better than the Korgs but the overall sound remains: KEYBOARD with still very inferior drums compared to Korg, let alone to the master of them all Ketron. Actually I have a few sets of Ketron styles that were converted to Yamaha and would you believe that they are the better sounding ones at times compared to the internal yammie styles. If anyone is interested feel free...........
In conclusion I should of course say that I am delighted to hear that Deane ( and many more that have expressed so in private mails) is so pleased with my KMA programming.
regards, John Smies
P.S. the octave +1 is a non issue, forget about it........