Audya i think need more RAM, to load more INS, or MSP multisamples...
However for mee a too big problem (in all Ketron products), is that dont can the users to create a New Drums Kit with user Samples, and of course to create a sound with more velocity zones...
In Audya we have up 3 zones in a Program file, and Program file can not to use in a style...
It is a possibility that exist in Korg (for example) from Pa80...
But I think now with OS form that used Audya is very old and it is impossible in order to realize...
Maybe in a new generation Audya..
Edited by Sokratis 1974 (12/11/12 11:26 PM)
Style Producer
Ketron Event, Ketron Audya 76, Audya 5, SD9, SD1,Yamaha Genos, Korg Pa3x, microarranger, Roland Fantom G6, V-Synth XT, XV-5080, SH201, D-50, Novation KS4, Dave Smith Evolver