I think the basic sound samples sound good, but there is still an issue with the way that it handles legato. Not to mention the demo-er's technique... good in spots, non-sax-like in others.
Sax is one of those troublesome instruments to emulate, often needing long passages of legato fingering at high speed, no easy task to pull off! Accidentally make a clean break between two notes, and in comes the tongued sample, which always has a slower attack, and ruins the timing of the phrase.
I don't think I have ever heard a LIVE SA sax demo that didn't suffer from this. Now, if you go in and edit the part in a MIDI sequencer or DAW, it's a piece of cake to micro edit the notes' lengths, and make sure that all the notes you want legato overlap the next note, and all the ones you want tongued are 'clean' from the previous note, so phrases sound logical and smooth, but playing these live with that degree of accuracy atv speed is quite a fingering achievement.
Same routine with velocity. Sax's can play high speed phrases with little change in volume/tone, but it's tough to lay a phrase down on a keyboard that long without at least a FEW of them either popping out too much or being too quiet... and when those velocity cues can often trigger different samples, again, it's something hard to do convincingly outside of a sequencer.
I think this all accounts for why Yamaha's demo SA sax examples are so good, and so little of what we've heard live ever matches it. And I think that this Sax sample demo for the Korg could be better. A bit of MIDI editing it might do it wonders.
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!