That's a Line6 variaxe 500 straight into the Bose with NO effects.
The Variaxe sure is handy. I use a Variaxe 300 for acoustic guitar with the band I play in.
But because we play mainly rock I run it directly into my tube amp which works best for the electric guitar emulations.
Using the line out box was good for acoustic guitar but not so good for the electric guitar models.
I bought mine on eBay and the neck had been replaced with a Squier Telecaster neck which feels real nice and fitted it perfectly.
The Variaxe line sure is a winner. Really beats having to carry around a real acoustic guitar.
We also play "Redneck Woman" and I can switch from acoustic guitar to banjo for the ending which really surpises people.
I just wish it didn't use up batteries so quick lol..