Wow!!! you must have called your father to help you...
Fran as you are well aware of my father 90 yrs old still to this day won't let me use or even touch a POWER Tool of any kind and doesn't trust me with them lol........anyway...
As well as this project went on paper and in theory it was a TOTAL Disaster on stage tonight at my gig!!!!
First of all after I set up I turned the plastic wind nut on the quik lok collar and one side of the Wing broke off WTF!!!
then even though the collar fits the PVC pipe I installed no matter how tight you made it it world still slip and rotate around to the point I had to tie the Mic wire around the boom and then to the tier to stop the boom from falling over onto my KB dammmiiitt!!! the compression of the collar clamps inside has a greater force then the density of the heavy duty PVC tube causing it to collapse a bit when tightened....this needs a METAL Tube only....but I'm so disgusted with it after all this I just gave up and will now only use the X stand as a back up to my TRUSTY Apex 49pro ....or in the studio. Its a great heavy duty X stand best I have seen But since Ultimate Support for what ever reason doesn't make a mic Boom for it its not going on my stage period......
end of story.