The Gauntlet has been thrown down...Here continues the Midi Styles vs Audio Styles discussion. Some still claim that Midi drum Kits in Styles are the way forward for Arranger Keyboards, others prefer live audio recordings for their rhythm section. Some manufacturers have played with Audio Drums (Wersi and Yamaha for instance) whilst so far only Ketron has fully embraced them with Live guitars and drums.
At this point it is a discussion on THE DRUMS ONLY Once we have covered this we can move onto the full styles.
1) Recording must be done in ONE TAKE via the onboard recorder and presented in WAV or MP3 format.
2) BASS LINE is allowed, but at least one example must be drums only and must not overpower the recording
3) No post editing, except for normalize.
4) You must state the Style Name (in case your tempted to upload a Dylan Elise recording and pretend its from your PS3)
Suggestion: keep fills to a minimum...if at all, use intro's and endings wisely.
1) If your listening through laptop speakers or low cost PC speakers your disqualified from having an opinion and will be sent to solitary confinement in the
Kawai Discussion Board 
- Suggestion: use Reference Headphones or good quality DJ headphones (not Eagle sets from 1978 or in ear walkman sets unless you want a slap on your way
First Challenge: