It's amazing what Yamaha has done to revamp the Styles on the S950 vs the S900/910 etc, clarity, style parts,
sound assignments & overall sonic fidelity is very much improved, that I have had some time to really get in to it mostly what I have done is simply switch many of the older factory styles for the newer S950 ones....then go into the style creator and make some changes to style part Volumes for variations, Intros, Endings where called for, EQ here and there, & re-save...change some OTS sounds for newer ones eg:
Whiter Shade Organ, etc...I made a few tweaks to the VH2 harmonizer but its still no where the quality of a TC Helicon,..but in time I will try to really dissect it and dig into the settings to make it usable.... I am happy with the on-board FX settings rev/short slap back delay for my main vocals....after 35+ gigs since I have the S950 each time I make changes on the fly to get it just right for my needs & that is working out very well even with some workarounds... The audio Play button from the MFD screen is a nice addition also so you don't have to open the Audio player to use just select and play from the MFD screen......the speakers are much improved also.