Sorry, I'm sure this is elementary. I have a need to have a couple of songs on my iPhone today. I finally went through and actually purchased something through iTunes, did it on my PC laptop. So, I have the two songs. Somewhere along the way, I clicked something about iCloud or something like that. I want my laptop and iPhone to share stuff. How do I get the songs I bought onto my iPhone? I have clicked around and can't make it happen. I have an iPod icon on my v.3 iPhone (2008 model) and I see that at one time, somehow, I sent my entire library of songs that was on my laptop at that time... to my iPhone. But I haven't initiated anything to put the two new songs on my phone. How do I get them there?
I've already paid for the songs, I don't want to purchase them again on my iPhone.
EDIT: I found something about a special download for iCloud. I see that I already have it on my laptop somehow, I guess I did it awhile back. I have now upgraded it to be current. Now, I gotta figure out how to put iCloud on my iPhone.
Edited by SemiLiveMusic (02/11/13 03:47 PM)
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