No offence Fran, but that is the view of yet another person who really has no idea of what Karma can do, apart from the Noise Artist stuff as you call it...
It can do jazz swing just as well - even a Bossa

By the way, not related but check this link... no karma but you want left hand bass....sheesh Dennis, My chord assigned keys comment was about the Juno's...and much different than arranger features..
Karma is just too busy, and not musical to me...For guys that what to perform with groove boxes, maybe Karma will work for one that I know will want to use Karma to gig...
Why would you not rather play over sequences...than unpredictable random arps...Like I said not for me...
If this stuff makes you into it..
BTW: Karma didn't help Open Labs...they folded, shortly after incorporated Karma...coincidence I guess..