In part of the zen we rejoice when there is birth, and we grieve when there is death. In our existance, part of this tribulation typically is witnessing, or recieving the effects of a parent's death, and if you are the youngest among kin, possibly some siblings as well. Actually, you just never know what's going to be until it occurs and we know there is no undoing of God's will or whoever your higher power is. My Father has been gone for some time now, since 1993. Last month though was a completion of one of those "threes" within about a year. Two brothers: one Dec 01, one Nov 02, and topping it with my mother about a week ago makes three. I am puzzled about this in three's thing but I guess that's all I ever will be. There is no sense in trying to figure out something that cannot be contemplated. I make this post only to say that we should be aware that for some of us this is in the plans. A saying past from generation to generation about the amazing coincidence of people within family's die in threes within a relativly short time fo roughly about a year or so. Take advantage of the knowledge we gather in mankind's history. Of all the people I have known with deaths occurring in their family, the threes have proven to be true far more often than not, and the post is about heeding to this knowledge as I am glad I did. Make your relations the best they can be with all in your family and not just all who you think would be involved if the three's were to hold true. That is especially true if without knowing or with knowing that one of those three could be you. Remember that age means nothing except a law of probability. Probable is a word having the lack of sureity in it. Be close to your people folks. Create the good times today that may become the good memories in the future.