The truth is, all equipment is good to a certain level. Unfortunately the end user can make or break a product, also the end user has his own perspective of sound. I heard QSC K's and Mackie SRM sound amazing and sound like crap. Just because you buy something doesn't mean you know how to use it properly.
Plus what's going in you signal chain matters allot too. You can't expect to put an entry level sub $80 mixer, with a limited eq, a very small knowledge of sound, then run it into a $1000 speaker and get the ultimate sound, all you are doing is amplifying crap.
If all performers knew what they were doing and using decent mixers, cables, mics, all the QSC, Mackie's, Yamaha's etc, will sound great, some will have a more preferred sound to some people while that same sound might be unliked by others.
The bottom line is I need more customers so I can pay my bills