Ok, you knew it was comin... the dreaded ntt,ntr question...
From what I can tell NTR just says "do voice leading or don't" and apparently ANY of the NTTs can have ntr=y/n and onbass=y/n
Onbass meaning "if you're playing a slash chord stomp on every note in this channel with the slash bass note preserving only the octave".
So I've done some stats of all the channels in all the .STY files I've currently got (not a ton, but a good sampling)
I'm seeing this:
count NTT bass NTR
11666 off
22675 off y
10 off y
25 off y y
5800 melo
822 melo y
5222 melo y
41 melo y y
9812 chrd
21855 chrd y
25 chrd y
7164 meloMin
41 meloMin y
12 meloMin y
4256 harmMin
4 harmMin y
4 harmMin y
2213 meloMin5
2 meloMin5 y
6 natrMin
18 dorn5
10 dorn5 y
So NTT is off(bypass), melody(which turns to bass when onbass=y), and chord, plus some weirder scales which seem melody-ish
So I "get" what ntr/voice leading does
And what onbass does
1) what's the diff between melody and chord?
2) how come there's an off(bypass) with voiceLeading AND without?
does one do no transposing at all and the other transpose only to the chord root(not adjusting any chordals)?
3) I don't seem to have any styles with guitar strums/arpeggios
can somebody email me one, please? stephen.hazel@gmail.com
thanks much,